Welcome to ezhudhukol.com!
Normally we ship in 2-4 business days. We will update you by email once the order is shipped.
Cancellations and Refunds:
Cancellations are allowed if it’s done in one business day. To cancel the order, immediately contact us. A refund will be processed once we receive communication from you.
Refunds are not processed immediately if cancellations are made after the order is shipped. You may need to contact us in case of cancellation.
In case of cancellation, after the order is shipped, we may expect the unopened parcel to be returned to process the refund (please note to and fro shipping charges are not refundable and also refund amount will be communicated to you). You may need to courier the unopened parcel back to us in case if you opt to cancel during parcel transition from us to you.
You cannot cancel the order or opt for a refund if we receive the product damaged. It’s always advisable to have a parcel opening video.
The video is a must to address any issues (damages, missing items, wrong item delivered, etc). The video should be Without any pause and cuts in between. Else it will not be considered. Start the video before opening the product till the end where you check everything.
It should be a 360-degree parcel opening video in which you have to show the parcel from all the sides and then open it so it can be seen that it was not opened from any other side
No excuses are entertained unless it’s genuine.
Requesting you please follow the above instructions!
Thank you.